A different approach
We are a handful of people, but we know a lot and we stubbornly use that for businesses that choose to work with us. Because it’s been shown to work.
We offer services that go hand in hand with an open mind from our customers. A mind that is willing to understand the importance of our methods, whether that means a minimalist design or a SMART approach to a campaign.
Your “A” Team
Tiberiu Turak
Founder and Manager celmaitare, Tiberiu is a computer scientist. With an analytical and pragmatic thinking, Tiberiu also has an emphatic artistic sense. Maybe it’s from the coffee. An inspired web design with veiled management.
Roxana Giulușan
If you need Project Management and creativity, you need Roxana. The team has ideas and someone has to put them together. Roxana does that and does well. Creativity needs a plan and the plan needs The Most.
Andreea Ispas
From content and copy, to concept and digital, Andreea is the one you need, when you have to conceive a new story for your brand. Because you can’t just be an artist these days. Someone with a practical sense brings light to you on your way from idea to word and SEO.
Tiberiu Iakab
Graphic design is for Tibi almost like a second life. You recognize him through everything he creates visually and you get to appreciate it. Always present, Tibi hovers over colors and shapes. If he were to move somewhere, it would probably be in the Fractal.
Horia Hațeg
We come to meet the needs of your business with a well-thought-out branding. Not just a logo, but a preview of the journey your business will follow, depending on the mission we have together. We set goals and determine what to do next on the visual aspect, as well.
Logo & Identity
Brand strategy & Positioning
Tone of voice
Style guides
Art direction
Brand development
Web design
Whether you’re selling products or services, a website is your store. And it costs you less than opening a physical one. We show your best, we befriend Google to secure your place among the top stores and the public through a simple yet intuitive design. To spend a lot of time in your virtual store and return back often.
User experience
Mobile development
Full stack development
User interface
An unpromoted website is like a beautiful car you forever keep in your garage. What use does it bring you if you don’t drive it? The same goes for websites. If you don’t advertise it, how will the world know about you? The best place to stand out is Google – through SEO and well-placed ads. The next step is to reach people – through social media. We take care of this whole journey until your business finds its people.
Content strategy & Creation
Social Media
Brand experience
Google & SEO
Web design
Indiferent dacă vinzi produse sau servicii, un site e magazinul tău. Și te costă mai puțin decât să-ți deschizi unul fizic. Arătăm ce ai mai bun, ne împrietenim cu Google pentru a-ți asigura locul între magazinele de top și cu publicul printr-un design simplu, dar intuitiv. Să petreacă mult timp în magazinul tău virtual și să se întoarcă des înapoi.
Content strategy & Creation
Social Media
Brand experience
Google & SEO
Un website fără promovare e ca o mașină frumoasă pe care o ții în garaj. Ce folos îți aduce dacă nu o conduci? Așa e și cu website-urile. Dacă nu îi faci publicitate, cum o să știe lumea de tine? Cel mai bun loc în care să te faci remarcat e Google – prin SEO și reclame bine plasate. Următorul pas e să ajungi la oameni – prin social media. Ne ocupăm de tot traseul ăsta până când businessul tău își găsește oamenii lui.
User experience
Mobile development
Full stack development
User interface
Sărim în ajutorul afacerii tale cu un branding bine-gândit. Nu doar un logo, ci o previzualizare a traiectoriei pe care o va urma afacerea ta, în funcție de misiunea pe care o avem împreună. Setăm obiective și stabilim ce e de făcut implicit și pe parte vizuală.
Logo & Identity
Brand strategy & Positioning
Tone of voice
Style guides
Art direction
Brand development
Good vibes promovare online
To give you a good mood and a better perspective about us, we are sharing our playlist with you. Enjoy. 🙂